As a reminder, offline assessments aren’t effective or enjoyable. Feel free to use this checklist as a reference, but consider using a free trial of our software to do a more complete and efficient practice assessment.
Understanding how much risk a product can pose to your organization is necessary to create a complete security plan. This plan can enable you to take proactive steps to prevent, mitigate, and lessen the potential impact of selecting cloud applications that do not meet your organization’s risk appetite.
Through a joint effort between industry giants Google, Salesforce, Slack, and Okta, a baseline for security controls has been established to assist in determining the level of security provided by cloud applications and services. This effort has been titled Minimum Viable Secure Product (MVSP) and is the basis for this risk assessment checklist.
We’ve created this free cloud product risk assessment checklist to aid in identifying areas of concern with your prospective cloud application. Areas assessed within the checklist include the cloud application vendor’s business and operational controls, the application’s general design, and the implementation of its security controls.
Simply print the checklist and answer the survey questions, getting assistance from coworkers where needed. Tally your results to calculate your compliance percentage and your risk score. To prepare a report, we’ve included an executive summary template in the checklist. Follow the steps below to receive your checklist.
As a reminder, offline assessments aren’t effective or enjoyable. Feel free to use this checklist as a reference, but consider using a free trial of our software to do a more complete and efficient practice assessment.
Fill out the form using your first and last name and a business email address. Make sure you have access to the email address you provide.
We will immediately send a link to the email address you provide. If for any reason you do not receive it, please check your spam folder and make sure the email you submitted in your form is correct.
The email we sent you contains a download link. Follow it to view and download your content! No thanks necessary. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
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