
Risk Management Solution for Oil & Gas

Industry Challenges

The nonprofit industry is faced with difficult challenges that result from limited budgets, increased focus on transparency, reputational risk, regulatory compliance, theft, and other emerging risks. Risk management is a necessary component of keeping your organization safe and thriving. A primary focus is to maintain their tax-exempt status. As such, nonprofits and charities are subject to specific rules set forth by the IRS. Nonprofits must demonstrate that they are using funds for charitable reasons and not for any type of personal financial or political gain.

Our Solution

SecureWatch, our risk assessment solution, is primarily used as a risk management software for the oil and gas industry that can help you address and improve in each area without adding additional staff or resources. Rest assured you will meet all you needs when using SecureWatch.

SecureWatch integrates Enterprise Security, Risk and Compliance so we can assess and communicate as one.

Security Operations, Corporate Security, AVANGRID

Key Benefits

Additional Benefits

Can You Afford Non-compliance?

Gas and Oil industry call out
State oil and gas regulators issued $5.2 million in oil and gas fines in 2018. Of that, Noble Energy, Colorado’s second-biggest driller by oil volume, was issued the largest fine of $1.6 million for failing to maintain and pressure test a host of shut-in wells, or wells not currently producing. Pressure testing helps check for any leaks and ensures the well is functioning properly, so as to protect workers and the environment. The reasoning of the fine size was based on the number of wells, and the period they were in violation. Noble incurred a penalty of up to $5,000 each day and many wells were said to be overdue for maintenance for over a year. For more information, click here.

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