
Risk Management Software for Healthcare

Industry Challenges

The healthcare industry is faced with the hardship of providing a safe and caring environment at all times. Meeting regulatory compliance and industry standards with OSHA, HIPAA, OCR, NIST, HITECH and other enforced regulation standards, ensuring the safety of occupants, advanced operational efficiency, avoiding liability, and assets protection are some major challenges for healthcare professionals.

Our Solution

ComplianceWatch, our assessment solution, is primarily used as a risk management software for healthcare professionals that can help you address and improve in each area without adding additional staff or resources. Rest assured you will meet compliance with all necessary standards when using ComplianceWatch.

You can tell RiskWatch has experience and expertise in risk management by looking at how SecureWatch is put together. The system combines ERM and compliance in a way both can be performed at the most efficient way possible. Its automation combines well with the maturity of data available in most of our assessment programs.

American Express

Key Benefits

Additional Benefits

Can You Afford Non-compliance?

In 2018, the healthcare industry had nearly 15 million patient records leaked, three times the amount seen in 2017. Through June of 2019, the numbers have skyrocketed with potentially more than 31.6 million patient records breached. This is a worrying trend. Fines can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation (or per record), with a maximum penalty of $1.5 million per year for each violation. The American Medical Collection Agency breach, discovered in march of 2019, shows around 25 million breached patient records. We’ll let you do the math for what that fine could equal. For more information, click here.

Try any of our products, for free.

Riskwatch products are easy to use, free to try, and can be customized to fit your business needs.

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