
Risk Management Software for Retail

Industry Challenges

The retail industry is faced with difficult challenges such as high regard to reputational risk, deterring fraud and theft, preventing data breaches, avoiding customer injuries, and planning for forced closures. Risk management is a necessary component of keeping retail businesses safe and thriving. To stay profitable, companies need to watch their bottom line and a retail risk management solution like RiskWatch will ensure they’re protected.

Our Solution

Our risk assessment platform is designed to meet all the needs of construction companies. Easily assess physical security, cybersecurity, compliance with regulations and policies, and even your suppliers. RiskWatch makes it easy for construction firms to meet OSHA, CSI, BSSC, or any other requirements to mature your risk management program. Save time requesting, analyzing, remediating, and reporting on your data, which allows staff to focus more on reducing risk and meeting compliance. Store all contract documents and permits in a central location.

You can tell RiskWatch has experience and expertise in risk management by looking at how SecureWatch is put together. The system combines ERM and compliance in a way both can be performed at the most efficient way possible. Its automation combines well with the maturity of data available in most of our assessment programs.

American Express

Key Benifits

Additional Benifits

Can You Afford Non-compliance?

Retail industry call out
In 2020, Target was fined $227,304 in penalties for noncompliance with OSHA regulations. In two different locations, the store had blocked fire exits from various objects, a major violation. Since 2015, Target has been cited by OSHA for similar hazards at eleven other locations.For more information, click here.

Try any of our products, for free.

Riskwatch products are easy to use, free to try, and can be customized to fit your business needs.

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